Reached another level in PU

Yesterday was a special day, the day I realized I leveled up in the seduction community.

At 18 I left work to meet with a girl I number closed two days before. She came with a friend that left after a while. I went with her near her bus station and used “the movie excuse” to get her to my place for two hours (she lost her virginity this year). Once there … well … let’s just say we forgot about the movie.

At 20 she had to leave to meet her friend. I called another girl I number closed the same day I closed the other one. She was free for 21. On my way to our meeting place she sent me a message that she was 20 minutes late. I told her I didn’t leave the house so there was no problem (lying my ass off as I was freezing on the road). I opened 2 other girls to lose some time until she arrived. We chatted for 15 minutes and had a lot of fun until my “date” sent me another message telling me she arrived. I was intentionally late, of course.

We kissed at our date, danced, made out in the bathroom and talked about mountain sports and whateva’. She had her bus excuse but I “spontaneously” suggested mulled wine at another bar. Instead of going there, we went to the liqueur shop to buy the wine (indirectly suggesting her we’ll be making our own mulled wine). I talked all the way to my home and when we arrived there … well … the wine is still in the kitchen, unopened. She lost her virginity this year too … and I had a lot of LMR. Instead of using the usual anti-LMR techniques, we talked a lot about trust and massaged each other. She wouldn’t undress and I couldn’t progress passed the simple touching phase. I progressed under her blouse but a lot of no-nos were coming from her mouth. After 1 hour of teasing and trying to get her naked we made a pause. She asked me about experience and I told her I was with a lot of women and I tried a lot of things. I also told her my cheating your girlfriend beliefs (which is actually a pretty good routine congruent with me). She told me about 2 boyfriends she had that never got to fuck her. After that I slowly progressed with the help of the music to her breasts but she still didn’t let me undress her. So I forced her!

Year, I know how it sounds but I figured her out: she was the type of girl that said no-no even though she wanted it. She needed me to progress and surpass her defenses. She didn’t let me physically, nor verbally … but the desire was there. So I used my legs to pin her arms to the bed and undressed her. We continued making out (note that I confirmed she wanted this by making out with her, if she stopped making out with me I would stop what I was doing). I tried fingering her and she didn’t do anything while my hand went down but reacted when I started doing it … so I would come back and continue later. After a lot of tries I used the same caveman handling I did before: held her tight and fingered her correctly. Her breath started getting faster and she was excited, so I made her conscious of this (telling her that she now feels horny). She asked about protection, I showed my condom and we fucked (after 3 hours of foreplay).

Basically I had 2 consecutive day 2s and laid them both. I also handled LMR and logistics very well and I was sensitive to the problems that came while doing it. Last week I helped another girl lose her virginity and I’m going to bed continuously with the girls I want: I LEVELED UP

My next stage in pickup is less lays and higher quality women. The problem I face is that in day game (the one I’m proficient in) I rarely find interesting, higher quality girls.


On 16.12.2009, 6 days after this happened, I had another day 2 directly leading to sex. It seems telling girls you do have a lot of women and you did have sex last weekend leads directly to sex 🙂 AND it’s not strings attached. All the girls told me they thought of sex when we were going to my apartment. The last one was attracted by a picture in which she saw me with lots of girls (abs showing).

Key points:

  • while going to your house, occupy her mind with ANYTHING!!!, don’t let her think for 10 seconds
  • if you tell her you had a lot of girls she’ll want the sex part more (I also told her I usually had sex in the first 1 or 2 nights of meeting girls)
  • sensual music breaks LMR
  • making out trick: if you make out with her while she says no or refuses to do something, continue; if she stops making out with you and kind of “freezes”, stop what you are doing
  • make her realize how she feels (if she refuses something she likes, do it again and make her conscious that she’s enjoying it <tell her)
  • being relaxed while pursuing the goal helps a lot, she feels you are confident and doesn’t deny you her body
  • closing the light with shy girls helps

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