LR: Virgin Mary

I’m writing this as it’s an interesting lay report and things can be learned from it. I’ll censure most parts of the story as somebody reading this could know her.

Number close:

I got her number in a club at Halloween because I liked the way she was dressed (sexy geisha).

First date + kiss close:

At our first date we kiss closed and we had a lot of things to talk about (she’s in the top 30 smartest Romanian achievers list). I also learned she was a virgin so she was a no-no in my mind (oh, almost forgot: a bisexual virgin). She wasn’t exclusive (g’yeah!).

Second date:

We went clubbing and she was a good (aka sexy) dancer with a high desire to have fun in every way possible (we dared each other to do adventurous things in the club).

Third date:

I arrived home from a trip on Sunday and I was exhausted. Before I went to bed I called some girls so I can set a date after I wake up, in the night. We’ve met for a drink in the park, ran from dogs, spilled drinks while running, et cetera et cetera. We also talked about seduction, getting girls in bed and life theories (I was preparing her as a pivot). We arrived at my home to play a table game (yeah right). After a lot of talking (and telling secrets) we massaged each other and then started making out.


She told me she was sexually assaulted when she was little and was now traumatized about sexual intercourse. I continued making out with her using common LMR techniques and calming her and got LMR due to trauma flashbacks. Here’s the technique I developed to pass this: I told her to hug me and kiss me as nothing exists each time it hurt or she had a flashback. She did so and we fucked. After she felt very good about the experience, she passed one of her greatest fear (that kept her from sex for a long time).

The questions:

Q: “When did you realize you wanted to have sex with me?”

R: “When we went at your place … but I was very scared. Talking about my problems helped a lot.”

Q: “When were you first attracted to me?”

R: “A little in the club due to the way I behaved and the games I knew and a lot at our second date when we discussed high level subjects.”

Final thoughts:

I don’t want to have sex with virgins. There’s too much involvement. Why I had this exception, you may wonder. Well, it’s because she’s a very kind and smart person and I perceive her as a very good friend (with benefits). I wouldn’t like anyone else to do it for her. If the boy would’ve been less experienced she would have been traumatized the second time.

Key points:

  • having vast experience with women, a pickup artist should know how to help them in case of need (but he shouldn’t be responsible for them), note the technique in the F-Close section
  • talking about traumas helps a lot, it makes the woman feel safe around you (you understand her)
  • she didn’t want to come to me when we talked at the phone, but she did in the middle of the date; create adventure then lead to the desired destination
  • when you bring a woman over, she knows you two might have sex

1 Response to “LR: Virgin Mary”

  1. 1 timispy December 1, 2009 at 6:11 pm

    Thumbs up, Mr. Deflorator šŸ™‚ … And congrats on initiating the Geek Virgin in the art of … banging :)!

    Also a plus for the frame you had that managed to calm her down and make her get over her memories. I once dated a girl that I suspected had some serious trauma, and I never wanted to see her again! The fact that you persevered, in the face of such adversity, clearly shows your courage, strong inner game and masochistic tendencies ;))

    I love after-sex questions and some girls said the same to me: they knew there was a possibility for sex when they arrived at my place.

    Good chronologic organization of report ( including first dates ).

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